Relationship Villa: She finds it hard detaching from her Mother

Goodmorning my brother, you can share this. You cant believe this , but it is absolutely true. i got wedded this April to a girl i loved. Every night after our wedding, she would stay awake crying that
she misses her mom and sisters. i thought she was just being childish or finding it hard to detach from her family. i called her one day to ask her if she had another man she loved. She said no. This things just got out of hand, you cant belive she no longer cooks in the house, she is always at the moms house. Her mom would call to tell me my wife came around. now her visits always last two to three days every week. how do i stop this obsession with her mom. did i tell you everytime she visits, i will get debits on my account as she is always withdrawing money for the mom.
