How to know God is happy with your relationship

God’s Love is the ultimate. Knowing the
love God has for you means that you do
not have to compromise your
relationship with God for others, you do
not have to seek fulfillment from others,
and you do not have to settle for less
from others. The most perfect love
comes from God, and no one on this
earth can replace it.
Before, you jump in any
relationship, make sure you are strong
in your loving relationship with God.
This means knowing that He is always
there to help you along the way. Trust
Him. Make God the most important in
your life. Make Him the love of your life
and watch Him work wonders in your

Here are 4 Ways to Know if God is
Happy With Your Relationship:

You are more interested in your
relationship with Christ than
your relationship with your mate.

“You are not your own, you were bought
at a price” – therefore God must reign
in your relationships. We are called to
be holy, because He is holy.
Real love leads you closer to Him rather
than leads you astray.

God is number #1, Not just in your life,
but in theirs as well. Date someone that
you would consider marrying. Choose a
person that has a similar desire for God.
Choose a relationship where you
can encourage one another in pursuing
Your relationship with Christ does not
lie in the hands of your mate
If you only want to go to church, praise
God, or pick up a bible when they see
fit, then you are worshipping them, Not
God. It’s good to have a bible study
partner, an accountability partner, a
prayer partner, and even better if you
have a mate who is all of these things,
but cherish your own personal time
with God. Make sure you spend time
alone with God as well. You need
moments of reading the Bible,
journaling or praying just between you
and God.
Many times today our relationships take
priority and they eventually
become our idols. In many cases we
don’t even realize it. It starts out as the
overly obsessed love of one another. We
need to remember to always put God
first, to love Him with our whole being,
and make sure all our motives and
actions start with Christ and the love He
instills in us.

You’re honoring Christ with your body

Be careful with physical affection. Hugs
are great. God created physical affection
to be good. But be careful in how much
physical permission you give one
another. A relationship can easily turn
sinful if physical bonding occurs too
quickly… and just to clarify, physical
bonding is not limited only to sexual
intercourse. Everyone is different. Some
can resist temptation a little more than
others, But if you feel guilty at all for
your actions, it may be a good
indication that you are going too far.
Avoid physical actions that might cause
lustful thoughts (such as sitting on your
mates lap, laying on each other or
sensual kissing and massages). Save sex
for marriage. Talk about your physical
actions with each other, making sure
you are both comfortable with this
decision. Understand what might be
innocent to one or another might very
well be dangerous to you.

Your relationship serves as a ministry to

More and more celebrities are now
becoming more vocal about their
relationships with Christ. Some have
made a choice to honor God in their
relationship by abstaining from pre-
marital sex. While this may not be their
intent, they are unknowingly inspiring
others to do the same.
How does your relationship further the
kingdom? Does your relationship align
with God’s word?
If you are still unsure if your
relationship meets God’s approval, pray
about your relationship. Give everything
over to Him. Let God know that you are
asking His approval. Talk to God about
the problems that may arise in your
relationship and ask for clarity on
certain situations. Thank Him for the
opportunity to be in a relationship and
pray His will for your relationship.
