Don't waste your gifts, become God's best version of you.

It is fun to see how children learn Bible stories
and act them out in their play, like our son
yelling “I am strong like Samson!” in the
triumphant superman pose.
Samson’s life story is indeed colorful but, all in
all, rather sad, don’t you think? He was wasting
his gifts! Lord, have mercy!
Samson had everything going for him. He had
godly parents and he knew he was specially
chosen and gifted. But he ended
up misusing his
gifts and wasting his life. Lord, have mercy!
What went wrong? What could we learn from
this? Samson was physically strong but he was
spiritually and morally very weak. He wasted his
gifts in many ways. He used his gifts to battle a
lion with bear hands. But he did not deliver Israel
from Philistines where his gifts would have come
handy for God’s glory. Samson failed to become
God’s best version of him. Lord, have mercy!
Samson was not faithful to God.
He did what pleased him.
Samson was not receptive to God’s guidance.
He did what pleased him.
Samson was dot obedient to God.
He did what pleased him.
Samson did not seek to become holy like God.
He did what pleased him.
“She did what pleased her”. That’s not how I
want my life to be summed up. I don’t want to
fall short of everything God has intended me to
be. I don’t want to waste my gifts. I don’t want
to misuse my gifts, or under-use them. Lord, have
May God show each of us how we can be
faithful and pleasing to God, how we can
obediently seek holiness and become all that he
intended us to be, how we can use our gifts for
God’s glory and according to his will.
Because becoming all God wants us to be is the
best adventure we can ever have. Because if we
seek what we want, we will go astray. But if we
seek what God wants us to be, we become the
best version of ourselves. When ‘the me I want
to be’ is ‘the me God wants me to be’, my life is
in balance, fruitful, and full of meaning. Who
wouldn’t want that?
Dear God,
Forgive us for being selfish.
Help us to truly see that
your will is best for us.
Reveal us how we are misusing our gifts.
Show us how we are underusing our gifts.
Teach us how you want us to serve you.
Guide us to use our gifts for your glory.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U : Have you been misusing/under-using/
wasting your gifts?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you become
God’s best version of you!
